I have been reading your blog for quite awhile, and judging from the background I have I think you could really make it as a writer.

Put it this way, you love to write and help people out. You have a loyal following, and what your write about is interesting.

I think you should try going on to the next step. I believe you owe it to yourself to write a book, and get it published.

I do not know if this is the path you want to go with your life, but I think you should at least try. You claim to be a man of action, don't you want to see what you are made of?

I know ive never met you, but you have made a positive effect on me. I hope you decide what I am saying would benefit you.

Trust me, I’ve thought about it. As big as my ego is, I’m not quite ready to write a book. , I am aware that I have innate creative talent and ability. I’ve read books and looked at films thinking to myself “I know that I’m at least THAT good, if not better.”

However, part of being successful is knowing your weaknesses. And on that front, there is work that needs to be done. For instance, I know that I need to work on tying up loose ends between characters. I’m sure that many of you have wondered whatever happened to “X” character.

When you’re writing based on events and dialogues that actually took place, you can’t just bend things the way you want, and you can’t falsify them if you hope to maintain your credibility. But at the same time, you don’t want to end things sloppily.

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Last-modified: 2021-12-02 (木) 01:02:58 (869d)