What if you are overall a attractive guy with something that may affect your level of attractiveness.

Bear with me here.

I am a good looking guy and not just self proclaimed. However, through my most recent years I came to have a scar on one of my cheeks and it isn't the worst that it could be but I have some skin imperfections on that cheek while the other cheek remains fairly untarnished. So basically I have one area like a cubic inch on one cheek that is scarred.

So other than that I am tall, decently muscled and have a cute face.

But my problem is I feel like sometimes people are looking at it and I get self conscious over it...a lot. I am taking steps to improve the appearance of it but that will probably take a couple years or more to be where I want to be. (FYI I am still a young guy early 20's)

So I know that people notice it and it is also something that I notice and it definitely effects my confidence...and it is bad to think about.

Any advice to me?

March 2, 2010 1:25:00 PM EST Assanova said... you'll eventually get over it. I have a few scars on hmy face from childhood that I use to think about all of the time. Most of it cleared up, but there are a few noticable scars. I also have a very slightchip on my tooth that you can see if you look carefully. Bottom line is that after a few years, you won't even notice it. My scars don't seem to get in the way of women chasing after and approaching me.

March 2, 2010 2:13:00 PM EST Anonymous said... Yeah, I think it is actually worse because it is a psychological was caused because I went through a couple years of bad acne and left me some skin imperfections... I'm going through a real phase ever since got out of a relationship of getting over this imperfection and trying to move on and not think about it...I just need to not worry about it and people looking at it as much.

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